Corporate Social Responsibility
As a leading UAE law firm, commitment to our country and a sense of responsibility to our community and its development remains at the heart of our business.
We aim to be a good corporate citizen and focus our efforts in areas where we can make the greatest difference. These include:
- Encouraging and supporting our staff to use their legal knowledge and other professional skills to benefit the disadvantaged and under-privileged
We are proud to be an active member of both the DIFC Courts’ Pro Bono Programme and the federal and local Courts Pro Bono service. We actively support the hours our lawyers dedicate to these causes and wholeheartedly believe in aiding access to justice for all. Other members of our team are also contributors to legal advice columns in national newspapers and online, offering an approachable avenue to legal support to those who would otherwise lack access to the advice we can offer.
- Creating a positive impact on our community
We encourage all our staff to take an active role in society and are supportive of volunteering, fundraising and charitable activities.
- Being an employer of choice and promoting inclusiveness and diversity
We want to ensure that our staff feel that Global is a fulfilling, stimulating and supportive place to work. We offer opportunities for all, irrespective of nationality or gender, and are proud to work in such a diverse organisation. Our staff come from more than 15 countries and over 40% are female. We are particularly supportive of the advancement of women in our firm and are one of the founding signatories of the AmCham Abu Dhabi Women Achieve initiative – a mission to empower women in business.